
Thames Path 4

In January 2021 the country went into lockdown once more, and the intricacies of home schooling on top of everything else meant that Robin and I were unable to find a slot to go walking for some months. It wasn’t until near the end of April that we picked up where we had left off. […]


Thames Path 3.5

Our group expands – lunch at an hostelry – clear skies – our group contracts – homeward Our third jaunt along the Thames Path ended at Newbridge, less than 5 miles from home. I had been thinking for a while that it would be nice to involve more members of the family in one of […]


Thames Path 3

Kelmscott again – nothing – old bridges – sandwich! – more nothing – a weir – flatness – gradient – home ground For the third installment of our Thames Path saunter, Robin and I again prevailed on my long-suffering support driver beloved life partner Dan and cadged a lift back to Kelmscott, which by the […]


How to get hired (by me, specifically)

I’m aware that a lot of people are in need of jobs at the moment due to all the various shit that’s going down in the world. I’m in the fortunate position of having a pretty stable job in an industry that’s not at threat from the pandemic, and I’m also hiring, which means I’m […]


Thames Path 2

Tacos – geocaching – small woodland – no river – still no river – boats! – the Thames is tamed – Kelmscott We resumed our sojourn along the Thames at the point where we’d left it, with an excellent breakfast at the Cricklade Club. I’d never seen cauliflower tacos on a breakfast menu before so […]


Thames Path 1

A plan – searching for the source – in and out of water – skimming stones – lakes – joggers – horses – tea and cake Since I first moved to Oxfordshire in 2009, I’ve always lived within a couple of miles of the River Thames. This was not a deliberate choice, but frankly around […]


Giving Birth II: Easy Does It

I’m aware that some people found my account of my daughter’s birth a touch traumatic (although not, I promise you, as traumatic as the actual experience!). In order to try and redress the balance, I thought I’d write a bit about my second experience of childbirth, which was a very different story. Approaching giving birth […]


Things I haven’t blogged about

Hi Internet! I’m not dead, just so busy that something had to give and that something was blogging. Here are some things that have happened in the last couple of years which I haven’t had the time to write about:  I got promoted. Twice. I’m now a Solutions Architect, running a team of developers and […]


Insomnia Post 2 – The Joy of Not Writing Code

So once again I can’t sleep (despite the 3.75mg of Zopiclone flowing uselessy through my veins). After a few fruitless hours of lying in bed, I got up. I intended to read a book, but instead I got to thinking about a prototype I’d been wanting to build. One thing led to another and now […]


Outsourced NHS Services – a review

In view of the recent general election results, in which the country apparently voted to trash everything good about our society in favour of US-style “me first” crap, it struck me as timely that I recently had my first experience of privatized diagnostic testing. Even better, I have previously had this particular test before, provided […]